Thanks fellers. I am still scratching from all those mosquito bites, lol. I guess with all the rain down there the past months its just a breeding ground for them with the backed up sloughs and puddles everywhere. The skeeters were the worse Ive ever seen !!
I did get to witness a young guy with a 2wd truck get stuck and buried to the frame on one of the dirt roads at the club and it took 2 other 4wd trucks with a winch 3 hours to get him out. The Greene Co mud was not wanting to let go of it.
Here's something Ive never thought possible on the possum I caught. I dispatched him with my 40 cal glock from about 7 feet right tween his eyes. He was still standing with his new cranial vent hole so I gave him another one about an inch from the previous spot. That 2nd round still did not put him down immediately like I thought it would and he wanted to bite at the shovel that I used to separate him from my feet to open the trap up to release him. I never figured that was possible but it happened. Tough critters for sure.