Originally Posted by Hevishot13
It’s Alabama. Birds don’t run around gobbling everyday all long. Short bursts are all you will get if you get it. I’ve killed one bird that gobbled to the gun barrel. The rest never made a sound other than drumming. Learn what they do, just like deer hunting. Knowing where he is and will be is half the battle. I don’t get much time to hunt. If I waited only on gobbling birds, I’d end the season disappointed.

If you hunt them as if they never even had the ability to gobble, when they do actually gobble, you will already know where he’s been, where he’s going, and where you need to be in order to kill him.

This. I cut my teeth on Osceolas for 15 years. If you were waiting for a gobble youd be screwed. Heck if you hear one gobble in the Palmettos there he is usually already in sight and can see you even better . And I found they just did not gobble as much as other birds. But they love to spit and drum so you learn to listen hard for that.

I always tell people a Gobble is a sound a turkey makes less than .01 percent of his life. Luckily it mainly happens the most in the mating season or spring. But I hunt a 20 pound bird, not a sound.

I love a gobbling bird and will chase them like crazy when I hear them but if they arent gobbling I will slowly prospect around looking for sign and calling every 100 to 150 yards. If I see fresh scratching, I drop my butt to a tree and will set up and blind call for 45 minutes to an hour. Many times Ill just have a bird ease in and hear drumming sub consciously and then realize what it is.

Sometimes they just sneak in and gobbler cluck or contact cluck when they get there as if saying "Im here, where are you?" You have to learn to listen for just those contact clucks and spitting and drumming . That will help you kill birds.

I dont get caught up on gobbles. And even when I get one gobbling I try not to make him gobble much as to not attract other hunters or hens. I just make him gobble enough to shoot him.

Last edited by Here4fun; 04/26/22 05:08 PM.