Originally Posted by Hevishot13
It’s Alabama. Birds don’t run around gobbling everyday all long. Short bursts are all you will get if you get it. I’ve killed one bird that gobbled to the gun barrel. The rest never made a sound other than drumming. Learn what they do, just like deer hunting. Knowing where he is and will be is half the battle. I don’t get much time to hunt. If I waited only on gobbling birds, I’d end the season disappointed.

If you hunt them as if they never even had the ability to gobble, when they do actually gobble, you will already know where he’s been, where he’s going, and where you need to be in order to kill him.

^^^ the God's honest gospel truth right there ... along these lines above by Hevi, i just uploaded this video - listen to how i'm approaching the bird i've nicknamed "Scaredy Cat" ... stop watching those glorious YouTube videos of birds "acting right" & hunt these aggravating Alabama birds w/a different technique - it will work

for all of you who have already posted saying your land doesn't have birds or they won't cooperate - PM me the address of your land & i'll do some investigation for you & report back to you on what i've found out smile Hevi can come with me, too

Last edited by BamaGuitarDude; 04/26/22 11:19 AM.

ALDeer physics: for every opinion, there's an equal & opposite opinion

A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.