Booner, Whenever you said he was telling you where he was going to go and which "bucks" he was going to shoot. I knew exactly what you were talking about. I've got several buddies with highly managed properties, just like mine, and we swap out hunts a couple times a year. I've passed several bucks on their places that I should have killed and they told me, "you should've shot that one" (they have done the same thing as well, on my place) because I was not positive that the buck was one of the ones they were wanting to take out or I couldnt 100% verify age. We are always joking on the way in that we are going to shoot the other guy's best 3 yr old or whatever bucks he's really wanting to protect, but it's only a joke. When hunting as a guest, it's always better be cautious, if you are not 100% sure. It takes years of time, effort, trigger restraint, and money to grow big bucks in Bama. People that dont do it to the same extent that you do, normally just don't understand. That said, just like you, there are several people in my life that have the green light on any deer I have on the property, anytime they go, and I am happier when they kill one, than if I had killed it myself. I will however say, turning around and not taking someone hunting at all, has not happened yet with me. LOL