Yes sir I know. It's probably going to be a process. I may lose more people still. It's early. I've basically said I wouldn't entertain adding until we dropped below 12. I have a few who hardly, if ever hunt, so I don't mind running 12 or 13.

I have a guy in a club whose hunted this area for 30 years that wants to come by and take a look and see if he can help me. They kill some big bucks. This will probably benefit me more than anyone else. He said it took them about 10 years to get to where they are now. He is maybe a mile or two from here. He said they fed year round, but won't be able to now, so they will adjust by doing extra field work. So that might be a good partnership. I'm basically trying to talk with the other 3 clubs by mine. He said they are very selective on members. After talking to him I think I may have more deer here than I thought before.

But 10 members would be awesome to get down to. Especially if I can keep a few who hardly ever hunt.