I thought around 100 Acres per member had sort of been the acceptable standard for a long time.

When I was in one that was 100 ac. per member it was pretty crowded and had too many tiny azz food plots as a result of people needing places to hunt.

Damn Doe shooting dumpster fire of a club was the best way to describe that little patch of paradise.

The biggest problem with the Club thing IMO is impatient youth hunters and guests. You always got one azzhole or maybe many that think their little snot nose kid should be able to blast everything that walks past him. Because little Johnny can't sit there or he'll get bored. He's got to kill something quick and get back to the camp house so he and Daddy can play grabass with all the Adults who are on their 3rd game for the afternoon.

No government employees were harmed in the making of this mess.