Originally Posted by poorcountrypreacher
I have done any commercial trapping since the 80s, so I'm not really the person to ask. I used to sell to whatever fur buyer was convenient. I don't know what kind of requirements they had.

PCP…..When we first started this discussion you said you didn’t see any other way of bringing back trapping without the women’s clothing industry demanding fur again……I think there is another way to supplement that demand though but it would have to be done through the turkey hunters and everyone being on board with it.

A lot of things are about perspective…..Why do most turkey hunters voluntarily pass on jakes?......Isnt it sorta just like a gentlemen’s agreement amongst everyone??....That’s why I hint around about it being a bad idea to just abandon “the rules” and promote outlawism to protest. Maybe its just me but I’d think you would be better long term to hold the structure intact and plan to make better rules that folks can get behind. If folks completely abandon the rules now then how can you get them on board with anything that makes sense later?

And that brings me back around to the trapping incentive. If turkey hunters were behind a program that is basically saying….”Ok, I am willing as a turkey hunter to pitch in a little money to help subsidize trapping through paying or trapping for bonus tags”……If there were a gentlemen’s agreement that its worth $40 per coon….10 coons per tag.....then you would have guys like me wearing the coons out. Keep in mind here that any $$$’s are being made by the individuals…..The state would get a little boost in commercial trapping license sales...especially if that license is to sell and buy..... but we’re talking about an incentive program to benefit the hunters. Again though folks would have to behind it and not get all pissy about them "selling your tag back to you" . I would definitely NOT create this incentive program to simply allow folks to get 1 bonus tag after what has been done. If you do that folks will be hostile…..If you create it and tell them there’s a 3 bonus tag limit then I think folks might smile a little more.

Last edited by CNC; 03/25/22 10:24 AM.

We dont rent pigs