Originally Posted by Happysappy
Originally Posted by Irishguy
Originally Posted by Tigger85
The no fly zone would put us in direct conflict with Russia. Surprised that Russia doesn't seem to have drones or hasn't used them.

See my previous post. You and I are in agreement about the no fly zone. I'm surprised at the lack of Russian drones too.

Like I said... It's all going to be over in a couple of weeks. They are pretty close to an agreement right now.

The two separatists regions will become "Independent States"
Crimea will remain in Russian hands
Ukraine will retain its military and much like Austria, Sweden, and Finland will become a neutral state and agree to never join an alliance.
You and my tax dollars will begin to roll into Ukraine.
Politicians will get even richer.

You may be right, all signs are certainly pointing to that, but yesterday Putin put Russians on notice there would be “A Cleanse” of “those that dont share our values” (Sound familiar?) That doesnt sound like somebody who is willing to compromise before achieving his original objective. Still a VERY dangerous situation!

I'd just need to see a list of his values first... we may need him over here 🤣🤣

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Ben Franklin