Originally Posted by jawbone
Originally Posted by Geeb
Originally Posted by jawbone
Originally Posted by Geeb

Why should we send 14 billion dollars of our money to people that we know nothing about? there is nothing 'noble' about that.

Just what do you need to know about a child that would get you to want to help it from getting blown up, or fed?

If I understand your stance correctly, your opinion is that slinging money towards Ukraine is going to prevent kids from getting blown up or keep them fed? That makes no sense.
Did you feel the same way during the years that Ukraine was dropping bombs / shelling in the Donbas region of their own country?
Do you think had we sent more money to Iraq / Afghanistan innocent children would have been saved?
I am certainly not a Putin sympathizer, but if his reasoning for the invasion was to get rid of OUR bio labs located in the Ukraine (which I strongly suspect it was) then I support that. The pandemic we have been dealing with for the past 2 years came from a very similar bio lab and I'd rather not have any more 'outbreaks'.

First off, yes I think that giving Ukraine military aid to kill Russian soldiers will help save women, children and other innocents. Also send them humanitarian aid so they can eat and drink. I never said send them money. I have been very clear that if it is as bad as reported then money does them no good.

I have never heard of the Ukrainian gov't targeting women and children in Donbas.

You claim to not be a Putin supporter but you are eating his propaganda like it is buttered popcorn.

They didn't have to 'target' women and children for them to become collateral damage, it did happen.
If I supported Putin I would have no qualms straight up saying so.
Why do you so fervently support Ukraine? I think you may confused as to which of us is buying into the propaganda, as I expect your expertise on Ukraine dies right at the end of what the news tells you. I could be wrong though, enlighten me.

Originally Posted by DryFire
Originally Posted by Geeb
I am certainly not a Putin sympathizer, but if his reasoning for the invasion was to get rid of OUR bio labs located in the Ukraine (which I strongly suspect it was) then I support that. The pandemic we have been dealing with for the past 2 years came from a very similar bio lab and I'd rather not have any more 'outbreaks'.

The bio labs were not for producing biological weapons. They are part of the Biological Threat Reduction Program that aims to reduce the likelihood of deadly outbreaks, whether natural or manmade. Been there since the 1990's.

Yeah, and hunter Bidens laptop is Russian disinformation, right?