Originally Posted by Irishguy
It looks like Ukrainian Marines attacked a Russian controlled air port over night and destroyed a bunch of aircraft and infrastructure.

The more I read various accounts of the conflict, sanctions, military strategy, mental state of mind of the combatants, popular opinions of the civilians, etc... from various sources, I will be surprised if this war goes on much more than into April. I think there is a strong possibility in just a few weeks it will be over. The Russians are running out of steam.

I read a poll where 92% of Ukrainians believe they will win. 80% of Ukrainians are actually helping in the war effort. Having a positive mental outlook is super important in situation like this. The Russians have nothing to fight for. The Ukrainians have everything to fight for.

Both sides seem to be coming closer together, so like I mentioned in an earlier thread, I think one of the scenarios of a settlement is going to come to fruition. Russia will save face, and Ukraine can claim that they stood up face to face with the mighty Russian Bear and kept their homeland.

After that, the western democracies will rush in with massive amounts of foreign aid to rebuild Ukraine. Ukrainian government officials will get rich off our tax money and our "leaders" will get rich off our tax money funneled back to them from Ukraine.

Everybody's happy, everything goes back to normal, except all the families of all the people who got killed and the people who lost everything they had.

As the World turns...

Man, I certainly hope you are right! But I see it different, I think you are spot on in the moral of the Russian troops, Ukrainians fighting for everything, the Russian troops are basically just going through the motions. The one wildcard in this is Putin, he isnt wired to make this massage buildup, move in, then back away, he is a narcissistic dictator that doesn’t care about the losses they are taking, doesnt care the cost of putting the old Soviet Union back together, Nor does he care about what the world thinks about what he is doing. This has been a calculated move he has planned since Nov, 8th, 2020. He’s crazy but not stupid. He has known Biden is weak, if the US does nothing, nobody else will either, other than tough talk. The sanctions are absolutely meaningless, The Russians have lived with Sanctions in one form or another for years. Brandon talks tough in front of the cameras, but behind closed doors the US still has Russia negotiating (ON BEHALF OF THE UNITED STATES!) with Iran on re-enacting the nuclear deal, there is still cooperation between NASA and the Soviet space program. Russia hasn’t missed a beat selling oil to Europe, (their main export) I dont see Russians giving up, this will grind down into the streets. The Russians have the numbers on their side, they will eventually take Ukraine, the rest of the world will talk big, do nothing and things will settle down until Putin decides to make his next move and it will start all over again. Putin has 2.5 years to put his plan together before someone with kahonies is back in the white house. I could be wrong and honestly hope I am..Time will tell.

If at first you dont succeed, You may not want to try parachuting