Originally Posted by Lockjaw
Originally Posted by abolt300
Originally Posted by Lockjaw
Yeah I don't think mine is $10. I need to find a private land owner.
LOL, you dont know much about leasing land and lease prices do you?????? Most good private stuff starts at timber company rates and goes up from there.

What makes you think that? If I am willing to buy a tractor, trailer, and a garage full of implements, plus spend $3K a year over my dues, why would leasing land that costs more than what my lease is at now bother me? What kind of club could I get into with a tractor, a good work ethic, and $3K + a year in dues? I realize I am not 5 Star Plantation $, but I would be an asset to any club anywhere in my area.

This rule change won't phase me a bit. Rather than spending money on feed, I will invest it in better soil tests, and crops. I am not going to grow monster bucks feeding corn all year anyway. More challenging will be the mineral side, but it doesn't sound like it said no salt.

What exactly do you think a mineral site is?🤔

Last edited by Turkey_neck; 03/14/22 05:18 PM.

Would walk over a naked woman to get to a gobblin turkey!