Originally Posted by BradB
You would be amazed at how strong and large some of these kids are and some of them will flat out figure out how to harm others. My wife teaches a pre kindergarten autism class and some of the crap that happens is mind blowing. Head butts, kicking, biting you name it. Give them a few more years and some become dangerous. There was a set of twin girls a year or two older than my wifes class who sent male para's to the e room. They would wait for the perfect moment when they were distracted or not paying attention and kick them in the boys as hard as they could just for funzies. They know at a very young age you can't touch them. And what made that worse was they were adopted by a very wealthy power couple who did not know what they were getting. They were very angry people with lots of money to spend on high priced lawyers and made the life of every teacher involved with them hell.

God bless her. I was involved with a woman with a not super high functioning autistic son, and I told her early on she needed to get him under control, because when he got older, he would be unmanageable. He is not where he would understand a police officer restraining him either, and pound for pound, is surprisingly strong. That plus the autism fixation and difficulty in getting him to understand he can't do something, even though he wants to, is tough. From what my son tells me, he is very difficult now, at 16.