Originally Posted by jwalker77

Whats gona happen if them vaccinated kids play sports? What is that doctor worried about?

Causes some cardiac issues. Enlargement of the left ventricle (the hearts main pump) Also some thickening of the cardiac wall.

If the flyer is legit, the pediatrician is covering his ass. EKG and lab work is necessary to protect yourself in a lawsuit. In a sports physical, cardiac issues are what you are always looking for. We haven't heard a ton about it, but there have been quite a few European soccer players give up the sport because of cardiac issues after being vaccinated. With so many of my tin foil sites that I read, I can't remember if it was here or another site that linked an Olympic athlete that had to quit because of cardiac problems after being vaccinated.

I have sent many a kid to a cardiologist for clearance because of heart murmurs.

If Caitlyn Jenner can keep his wiener and be considered a woman, I can keep my guns and be considered disarmed!