Originally Posted by abolt300
I will be unable to watch it. If I do, a perfectly good HD smart TV will end up ruined, due to me throwing whatever I am holding in my hand through the screen as Brandon claims credit for defeating Covid, rallying all of Europe to stand behind Ukraine, touts the new Freebies he wants to offer to his voters, blames everything on Trump and the Republicans, and claims he has saved our economy from certain doom. All while telling me that the inflation is not real and just transitory, illegal immigration is a good thing, and we need to adopt the new green deal and leave fossil fuels completely by 2030. He'll end with "I and my cabinet have done a great job and saved America from sure destruction by Trump and the Republicans". By this time my BP will be so high that I have a stroke and pass out on the floor. These are the reasons that I will not watch and I'll bet you $100 that he takes credit for every single one of those items above and they are expressly mentioned in his speech.

You are 100% spot on, I read this and thought you’ve seen an advanced copy of his shitshow!!

If at first you dont succeed, You may not want to try parachuting