We need to question the narrative on Ukraine. We were just lied to for 2 years about COVID. Why would you be 100% willing to believe what the same people are telling you about Ukraine/Russia.

I am not clear about what is happening:
- The globalist staged a coup in 2014 in Ukraine to install an anti-russian government. Then the new leaders shut down all contrary media and jailed political opponents.
- Putin wants to make Russia more powerful. Putin has stated this.

The current president in Ukraine is NOT going to go fight. He will happily hand elderly and women weapons, and teach them to make molotov cocktails. He is willing to let them die for the cameras.

I don't know who to trust because we are being hit with propaganda from all sides. I know that war only hurts the common man.

Last edited by Beer Belly; 02/27/22 02:52 PM.

For what it is worth: I still agree with me!
A big man will stand up for himself; a great man will stand up for others.
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