Mythbusters: Food Plot Edition

So it’s a common theme to hear folks say that they like for their food plots to be short because its more tender and the deer prefer it that way.…..So I thought we’d do a simple little test here to see if there is anything to this or if it’s just a myth.

In theory here, the deer have an entire field of short forage that has been browsed down and should be the young tender shoots…….The forage in the exclusion basket has been growing untouched since just after planting…..If the theory is true that they prefer the shorter forage then this spot should go untouched after removing the basket…..If it is quickly eaten down then I think we could conclude that this isn’t necessarily true…… Agreed??.....Will they eat the tall forage or leave it alone??

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Basket removed............

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Last edited by CNC; 02/20/22 05:42 PM.

We dont rent pigs