There comes a point where all you can really add is acreage. I try to have my soil continually becoming more fertile over time but I doubt I will ever get to a point where my couple acre plot is not eaten down come Feb no matter what I do. I have half the deer using it now that I used to and its much more fertile yet they still keep it browsed down this time of year. I’ve come to the conclusion that judging anything about the deer density from browsing pressure on small food plots is pretty much useless. It doesn’t take very many deer using a food plot to keep it mowed down. One of the most important things is how the vegetation handles the grazing and responds to it. Does it get stressed out by it or does it stay lush and just keep putting back out more forage? How quickly does it respond?

Last edited by CNC; 02/13/22 09:43 AM.

We dont rent pigs