Originally Posted by SuperSpike
Jawbone, one article I read said he was intellectually disabled. What is your opinion on that? To be specific it says “intellectually disabled black man”. Do you think he was disabled in some way or is this another race baiting statement by the media?

He wasn't bright by any means. Was he intellectually disabled or just stupid, I don't know? Part of it is like old bowhunter says, he had dead eyes. No matter what you said or how you tried to interact with him, the look in the article picture is what you got. I can only describe it as soulless.

He and his brother were badly abused as children so the question I have is this what made him like he was or was he just plain evil from the start? The old Nature vs. Nurture argument. I guess a clue would be that Julius went through the same abuse, was bad like Matthew, but you could interact with him. I guess that is why they didn't have a double execution last night.

Last edited by jawbone; 01/28/22 02:08 PM.

Lord, please help us get our nation straightened out.