Originally Posted by globe
I’ve killed several 3 legged deer over the years. For what it’s worth. That were healed over. Deer are tough as Hell.

Here’s my take on the three legged deer…….. The biggest factor is that the coyote situation today is not the same coyote situation we had 20-30 years ago. The types of injuries a deer can survive with is different with and without the presence of coyotes…….Without coyotes around a deer stands a much, much better chance of living with three legs……..With the presence of yotes that goes WAY down. It’s even a little more complex than just the yotes presence though……What has also evolved over the last 20-30 years is that the yotes have learned how to pack up and target wounded deer. In today’s deer herd you aren’t gonna have deer run around with broken legs for very long before they get targeted. Just do the math here on how many leg shots happen each year……thousands…….What happens to 99.9% of them??....They get eaten by yotes and in a quick fashion. Sure, someone somewhere will see ONE eventually but that’s out of thousands that occur annually…

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