Originally Posted by Ben2
When the shooter changes its running deer with dogs

I beg to differ. Many instances where I have to dispatch a deer that we are tracking I am the only one that carries a firearm. There a very few people who I will let dispatch a deer with my dogs nearby.

But I agree the ones that run them for miles and miles just to bay them up and catch them aren't really into tracking. I have a rule I usually follow if they break bay 3 times and cover ground faster than the dogs I leave them alone. 90% of the ones we trail are doa however the few we do bay up are going to die we may have been mislead about the shot and got on a gut shot deer too quick and bay it or we get on a leg shot and bay it. I don't care what anyone says a leg shot deer is a dead deer in Alabama if my drahthaars can catch up to him imagine what a pack of yotes do to them.

It isn't necessary to see a good tackle...you can hear it.

Knute Rockne