TDog, I was hunting in Greene Co on Stagshead Lodge property, using a Navy Arms 12ga black powder muzzleloader . Moist, wet air, foggy kind of morning. Didn't hear anything on the roost but I did hear one a lil later 100 er so yards across the property line. I eased over to the line, a five strand barbed wire fence, and spotted a strutting gobbler 125 yards away. I was one my knees in a patch of honey suckle, gun butt on the ground, held in my left hand. I yelped at the gobbler a couple three times, he would answer but he had a wad of hens with him. I was just watching him when I heard a gobble straight behind me...close. I slowly turned my head just as a gobbler walked out of the honeysuckle a dozen er so steps to my right. As he walked behind a 4" tree I pulled the gun to my left shoulder, aimed and fired. The bird disappeared into a huge ball of white smoke, which hung in the wet air. I heard the bird flop and jumped up and ran to him. He was under some of the honeysuckle vines, flopping very hard. I jumped on top of him, dug his head/neck out of the vines and twisted his head till it broke his neck.

I carried him back to the lodge to meet my buddys. As I was telling him how I shot the bird he said I missed him. WTH? We ended up skinning the head neck out, there were NO holes or shot damage. I completely missed him but the smoke confused him and he became tangled in the vines. The rest is history....

I've spent most of the money I've made in my lifetime on hunting and fishing. The rest I just wasted.....

proud Cracker-Americaan

muslims are like coyotes, only good one is a dead one