Was at a Bamacarry meeting tonight
Spoke very well and answered questions
These are the questions I asked him
Since we’ve seen politicians go to Washington and profit themselves at our expense so how do you stand to profit personally if elected to a US senate seat ?
How does your business of being a defense contractor stand to profit from you being elected to a US senate seat ?

Answer 1
I’m funding my own campaign and I will owe no favors to anyone and most likely I’ll have less money than I do now
I know politicians are buying stock and I think that’s wrong and it should be stopped

Answer 2
I have dissolved my ownership in my business and made it a employee owned business

One thing that came to light about Mo Brooks from another meeting was he was asked what he would do for the state of Alabama and his answer was “Nothing “ that’s not in the job description “

Durant knew this before it was ever said and seemed genuinely pissed about it
Durant also said Britt was bringing a lot of baggage to the table with ties to the establishment rhinos

When I need expert advice I tend to talk to myself
The older I get the better I used to be