I went fishing for a few day this past fall down at Claiborne lake and Millers Ferry. I met my friend at the boat ramp at Isaac Creek around noon. My wallet was on the dash of my truck and I slid it into the back left pocket on my shorts before I got out to unhook the strap from the front of the boat. We fished til dark, then headed to his camper. When I got to the camper and started unpacking my shorts my wallet wasn't in there. We tore my truck apart and dug through every compartment on the boat. He kept asking me where I put it and I told him I put it in my pocket and that was where it was supposed to be. We drove back to the boat landing and it was laying on the boat ramp right where my seat pushed it out of my pocket. It was soaked and looked to have been ran over 3-4 times. I know I ran over it 3 times. The gravel in the concrete on the boat ramp left indentions in the leather that are still there. I think it's an Orvis wallet. It's got the base of a 12 gauge shell sewed into one face of the wallet. I've had that thing for at least a decade. It's the best wallet I've ever owned.

The very next night I lost it again. It somehow wound up in a bag of garbage that I cleaned up out of the floorboard of my truck and was in the trash can outside his camper.

Prior to that I hadn't lost my wallet in my adult life, and I haven't lost it again. That was two rough days. LOL

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14