Originally Posted by jwalker77
Originally Posted by TurkeyJoe
Originally Posted by jwalker77
Worst night yet. I swear it feels like somebody ripped the lining of my throat out. I havent slept 30min in a row in two nights. Throat hurts so bad ive quit swallowing and started spitting in a bowl. Ill say it again, this crap sux. Nights are terrible.

You get tested for strep bro? If you got strep that bad, you need medicine to get over it.

I havent been to the Doctor. My wifes family all has the covid. Same symptoms pretty much. If it wasnt for the throat and sweating at night, i would be ok. Thinking about going to the doctor is giving me anxiety. I just really dont want to go.

You need to get a Dr to give you a steroid pack. I spent 3 days in misery before being able to get one, and started feeling better within an hour. Slept 6 hours last night and feel almost normal today. Still have a cough, and I expect to have some worse days as the steroids wear off, but that pack was like a miracle.

I had a source for some Ivermectin that shipped it to me Thursday using FedEx next day delivery. Paid just under $100 to make sure I would get it Friday. I have complained plenty about how lousy FedEx home delivery is, but the next day is a different service and uses real drivers. Same result. It went to Memphis the first day, then to Birmingham the 2nd day, then they lost it.

I have never made the connection before, but I am starting to suspect that FedEx is in on the conspiracy with the Chinese Communist Party and the democrats.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.