Tdog, I'm sorry about your mom. Yes, that is a very very hard decision to make. They have lived all their life in a place they call home and then having to go to a completely different place to stay is very unsettling and scary for them. I do understand and will keep y'all in my thoughts and prayers.

I did get the stake driver and the 3 in 1 hammer to go with it. All Fleming had in stock were the Berkshire hard dirt anchors with 15 inch chains so I just got those.
Deadeye, I did get a dozen quick links too.
As far as the wax, the guy at Fleming said to clean and decrease the traps first. Rinse them and let dry outside to get a very slight layer of rust on the traps. They had a cold dip that mixes up in a 5 gallon bucket and he said the leave the traps submerged in the dip for 3 to 4 days then hang them up to let them dry for a few days. He was telling me the dip will work well without having to wax them. I guess I'll see about that,lol.

Here's the deal with where I go in Forkland....I'll go down for 2-3 days max then have to come back to Bham.It may be a month before the next time I get to go back. Would you just leave the anchors in the ground down there or dig them up and bring back with you for next time? They are not that expensive but I may not recall the exact spot I was at. Which leads to the next question... do you mark your spot or a close by tree with a marking ribbon or something to help you know where the anchors are? I'll be bringing the traps back with me for sure.
Appreciate you guys!!!