Originally Posted by CAL
Originally Posted by IDOT
Originally Posted by jake5050
I'm a Bama fan and hate we lost,but I had a hard time not pulling for Stetson last night. I work in Ga and all the fans blame him for not winning. He impressed me last night. I also think it's gonna be hard to not put Bama at the top next year with all of the players returning

What that kid did after his fumble was incredible. He could of easily folded and mailed it in, but he found a gear and him and that UGA team were not going to be heart broken again. Well deserved win by UGA and Stetson.

Agreed. A walkon vs heisman winner. I was proud to see him with tears of joy.

Have your seen the interview he did on Good Morning America Tuesday morning? He was still drunk. rofl

Dying ain't much of a living boy...Josey Wales

Molon Labe