Originally Posted by jwalker77
Originally Posted by gman
With all these "nopes" and "nothing will happen" and "nothing to see here" posts...might as well hand it over to the chinese or blm. Damn. Just damn.

You do realize we have a chinese president right? Pretty sure we officially handed it over to the Chinese on 1/6/2021. Yall people really need to wake up and see whats going on around you. Quit letting your patriotic idealizm blind you. This is not your pawpaws America. This is now the communist states of america, like it or not.

From the hill.com

Biden’s support of the Chinese Communist Party is long and personal. In 2000-2001, as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Biden led the Senate’s efforts to shepherd China into the World Trade Organization and to end annual congressional reviews of China’s status as a U.S. trading partner. At the time, Biden welcomed China’s emergence “as a great power, because great powers adhere to international norms in the areas of nonproliferation, human rights and trade.” As vice president in 2011, Biden said he believed “that a rising China is a positive, positive development, not only for China but for America and the world writ large.

The benefits of embracing China were not merely diplomatic. Biden’s son, Hunter, may have benefited financially from his father’s cultivation of Beijing.

The younger Biden found his way into acquiring a stake in a billion-dollar private equity fund partly owned by a Chinese state-owned enterprise and funded by Chinese state-owned venture capital. Among the firm’s investments was Face++, a Chinese surveillance firm. Hunter Biden began building investments and business deals in China based on his proximity to Chinese government and business figures in 2010, two years after his father was elected vice president. A new report from the Senate Finance and Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committees’ majority staffs further details Hunter Biden’s business ties with Chinese nationals linked to the Chinese government and military.

Last edited by jmudler; 01/06/22 11:46 AM.

Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.