Thanks guys - at both my leases deer hav had to get use to cameras (shy away from) over last few years - this year is the most comfortable they been by far until I put the cell out - where I just put the cell at I was regularly getting 400 pics a night - the heat slowed the feeding a bit But I was still getting lot pics per day - been getting 400 a night for about 3 months at that spot until a few weeks ago. The place I just put cell I go in once a week to feed around noon and done it this way for 3 years - deer do not lay up close to this field

I do notice a much larger red flash on the tacticam and Moltrie that I do t have in my reg cams

Going to put this cell on The road at Camden for live patrol of area until I can get them more use to cell flash after season

Hunt the wind - leave it better than you found it - love your neighbor as you love your self
We need prayer for our country now more than ever