Originally Posted by Orion34
Originally Posted by 257wbymag
Bammers. Typically decent people but real arrogant dickwads when it boils down to it

It’s the 99% of them that make the other 1% look bad. They’re deluded. Believe others actually envy them and share their warped values. Makes it easy to push their buttons. Candy from babies…🤣🤣🤣

I have some family members whose entire life revolves around Alabama football. They have every game recorded since 1981.
I’m being serious that they have nothing else in their life. They have no other hobbies and don’t do any form of exercise or physical activity. All they talk about is saban and Alabama. They have notepads and whiteboards where they chart plays before the games like they are on the coaching staff.

They go to the a day game every year and take notes on up and coming players a yellow paper and file it in a cabinet.

They watch saban interviews and talk about how his process could change lives, and it’s like they’re pretending to be him in conversations. It’s really sad in a way. One of them has been pretty successful in business and is a millionaire, but doesn’t do anything that doesn’t involve Alabama football.