There are only 2 ways to stop a dog from roaming a neighbor.

Kill the dog is the best option. You will not be in any trouble with the law if you kill it.

The other option is to inform the dog owners you are armed and if their dog gets within 10 feet of you , make them understand you will kill their dog, and there is nothing else to discuss.

I dealt with this crap from neighbors for over 5 years and we don’t have this problem anymore. Get a group together and confront the owners. All show up wearing a pistol and start walking by their house with it and an axe handle with sharp lag bolts drilled through it. I’ve found they will quickly Keep the dogs inside and won’t even walk them on a leash much afterwards once they know you are committed and they understand that you will kill their dog. They may even move or get rid of their dog, so it’s a win win to address the problem directly.