Originally Posted by poorcountrypreacher
Originally Posted by 280Rem.
Originally Posted by 257wbymag
Cotton is deceiving. You are seeing the top crop that’s open and white. We lost the money crop or the lower position bolls like I said. We aren’t complaining it’s still picking around 1000# and at over $1 a pound we can survive. Corn wheat and soybeans were bumper crops though. All said and done a long tough year in 21 but the good lord took care of us all. Got a few guys still lack a few weeks on picking and planting wheat. We’re hoping to be all done by dec 15 anyway

We didn't fair that well in our area. Looks like us and everyone else will average around 650#. All of our bottom land stood in water all summer and then boll rot finished off the rest. Had some red land that picked 900-950# but not enough of it. As you mentioned, corn did great but we didn't plant enough.

That sounds like a good yield to me. 51 years ago, I has just finished with my first and last cotton crop. My father got a 2.5 acre cotton allotment and told me I was gonna grow it for an FFA project. We planted it with the Super C and cultivated it with it, but I had to go back over it with a hoe. I got some of my friends to help me pick it by hand after school. Back then, a bale per acre was considered pretty good, but I made only one bale and lost $50 on the project.

600# don't cut it with fertilizer and chemical/seed prices where they are.