Originally Posted by RCHRR
257 are you part of the NFU (National Farmers Union)? Mexicans can farm cheaper than you. All it would take is some conglomerate to purchase the land and take over to put you out of business. It would look like the 70’s - 80’s with all of the farms being auctioned off and the families being bankrupt... but wait that’s what it appears or some say xiden is doing to the housing. Put people out of work and take their houses. If everyone stands up to the government then they become a Union fighting for a cause.

All of you people are eager to throw stones at unions but everyone is part of a Union of some sort. Weather it’s a business, marital, or religious union. All unions work towards a better, cohesive, productive and profitable partnership for all involved. That’s what a union is. Give and take. Both sides know what is allowed to give up and to ask for. Liberal education has taught against unions and negotiations for at least 50yrs and look where it has gotten this once great nation. Big business and big government rules. If anyone says they are not a part of a union they are complete liars and hypocrites. Everyone is part of some sort of a union. FAMILY.

Well that’s about the dumbest thing I’ve heard in a while.