When I was a kid my Dad was on strike from a Birmingham steel mill. I went with him to a meeting at the union hall. The union man was there giving a speech about how they should stand strong and not vote to accept the company offer. I left there and thought about it all the way home. We were eating supper that night and I asked my Dad if the Union rep was still getting the pittance that he was getting paid each week. My Dad who was pro union all of my life sat there for a minute. He finally responded that he had never thought about it like that. That man who was speaking was in his suit with a fancy watch driving a big car and still getting a big paycheck from the union while they told the workers to hold out. He really did not have the workers best interest at hand.

My Dad used to be against Big Business and the Rich investor too. He is 83 now and looking back he sees just what I was talking about. The multiple Union strikes that we endured were never about working conditions or worker safety. They were all about strong arming the company. He was at that Steel mill for over 20 years and in the end the Union got the shop closed because of their mandates. The company finally said it wasn't worth it and closed the mill.

�Because a well regulated Militia is necessary to
the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep
and bear Arms shall not be infringed.�

-Justice Scalia, June 26, 2008

NRA Life Member