I have never seen a year when a flock of turkeys decimated a chufa patch early in the year the way these have. I sprayed the little patch with gly a few weeks ago to kill the crabgrass, and there is hardly a place left where turkeys haven't dug for chufas. I made this pic a few days ago:

[Linked Image]screen shot on pc

I also put out 10 lbs of a mixture of crimson and arrowleaf clover just before a rain. That's a rate of 40 lbs an acre, and is way more than I would normally plant. I used such a heavy rate because I know that most of it is gonna be dug up by the turkeys scratching for chufas. But some of it should survive on through the spring and make the plot a little more attractive. I would rather grow clover on adjacent ground, but that isn't an option for me here.

There were 2 hens in the area who hatched over 20 poults between them, but only 3 survived. Another hen eventually joined up with them, and that group is out there daily.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.