Originally Posted by Buckhammer
Hoggin I did the same thing and I understand what you’re saying completely to a point but eventually a person may run out of places to go and this insurance business is getting out of hand companies are charging more and more and wanting to pay less someone sometime is going to have to take a stand sooner or later or we will be working for nothing but insurance.

My non union company set a percentage they'd pay and what we’d pay decades ago and they’ve held true to it. when rates go up they pay their part we pay ours. Pretty fair if you ask me. Also we get raises every year even the down years. They realize if they treat people right then they don’t have anything to worry about. We have had the opportunity to unionize several times and it gets unanimously voted down. Maybe if unions didn’t keep sorry people working and keep their hand out for their “fair share” the company wouldn’t have to be jerks. We just got a random bonus just for kicks and giggles because we’ve had a good year. I pretty much see that companies with unions are harder to deal with. Maybe it’s because if the union. I get treated pretty fairly in my non union place.