Originally Posted by hoggin
So you’re saying health insurance workers should go on strike before insurance companies kill us all.

Health insurance ain’t a constitutional right, hell I I had to go without it for 4 years after obummercare came along. Me nor my employer could afford it the first 2 years and I damn sure couldn’t afford it when I was my employer the next 2

Allow me choose my own words hoggin. Don't make up crap I didn't say and say I said it.

I had insurance I earned that was much better than "obummercare". I accepted lower wages in order to have the insurance because "insurance ain't a constitutional right". I had to earn those insurance benefits as well as my pension. A bankruptcy judge took it away along with my pension to help keep the mines open under "new" owners with a different name.

I understand you and most here think that's great. Work in a miner's boots and see how it feels to have your own government rob you of what you earned fair and square so that rich investors" and company managers can continue to make money off the back of Brookwood coal miners.