Originally Posted by hoggin
You think those mines keep changing hands cause that union workforce is making “rich investors” more money than they care to have to count or because more of those “rich investors” figure out it’s a losing battle dealing with unions.

What do you do for a living by the way, how long have you done it.

Do you fight for a union job because you know there ain’t no way in hell you’ll make a living in the free market by chance? Just asking

I'm retired now, but what I have done for a living during my life doesn't affect what's happening in Brookwood now. I support union coal miners because I learned from experience that there is no way I would work in those gassy coal mines without a union work force to help protect me from the dangers that exist there. We set production records while I was there, btw.

I've worked at US Steel and was one of the two that signed a union application of the 12 in the group I was hired with. Not much support for your argument that the union destroyed the work force that is now largely non-union, but fact.
I've worked for Fedex non-union and have seen a first class company that Fred Smith built turn to shucks with a non-union work force.
I've worked in cabinet shops non-union and helped a boss that wasn't rich become a very successful business owner.
I've worked for trucking companies both union and non-union as a commercial truck driver.
I even had a government union job once. US government. I joined by choice. Others I worked with didn't join by choice.

Companies have had to lay me off my job through the years, and that's why my resume' includes a lot of employers. I didn't sit on my ass and collect unemployment. I found jobs during those layoffs.

I've never had trouble finding work, thanks to the Lord who has blesse me when times are hard. He has always been the One I depend on to supply my needs. Unions don't get you jobs. They do help protect your interests after you get hired, but they aren't perfect by any means. Neither are non-union workers.