Originally Posted by hoggin
If you can’t find or keep a decent job without a union rep holding your hand, it’s because your either stupid or lazy.

I see you live in McCalla, so your false assumptions are aimed at a lot of people who are your own neighbors. You've got some deep rooted animosity for them simply because they've made different choices than you have.

I hate to get into a debate with someone as closed minded as you appear to be, but I want to remind you that coal is a natural resource like wildlife. You're jumping on the side of out of state investors who are more than willing to drain those depletable resources for the least amount of expenses they can incur. They are motivated to make as much money as possible. They care little about our state or your neighbors who have chosen to work for them. I'd much rather see our state and our neighbors benefit from those natural resources than those out of state investors you are siding with.

Your calling them stupid or lazy doesn't help your position one bit. Some of the most intelligent people you will ever meet are hard working coal miners like some I've known through the years and have worked with and set productions records with at times. I don't understand your animosity for them.