Originally Posted by 700ltr308
Originally Posted by jawbone
Originally Posted by Phil_Army
Most Bammers didn’t go to Bama but most Barners can’t name 3 current Auburn players, but who cares because fambly...

But a fairly high percentage of Auburn fans know where the library is and a good bit have even used it. I would point out that the same can't be said of bammers but you've already made that point. Pat Dye said it best when he said Auburn fans love Auburn and Alabama fans love Alabama football.

Can you name 3 buildings on Alabama's campus that don't have anything to do with football?

Auburn puts out farmers, foresters, engineers, and astronauts. Alabama puts out lawyers and politicians.

The most successful mechanical engineers in this state went to Alabama. I’m glad you know so much.

Get up to HSV much? The ones I work with everyday didn't go to either school. MIT, Sanford, and a kid from Purdue run circles around the rest of the engineers in our mech group

Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.