Originally Posted by buckhunter2
Originally Posted by Michael256
Little bit surprised no one has jumped on these. You can use these in any small rifle cartridge. At most you might have to back your charge off .1 grain if you’re near max. They work excellent in my 6.5 Creedmoor.

Your price is in line with the market price. I bought 2K shipped to the doorstep two weeks ago for roughly the same price.

Yep you literally can't buy them any cheaper right now unless you just have a friend or family member who stocked up long ago to cut you in. I was simply selling them at the price it would cost me to replace them.

And me saying "I'm a little bit surprised they haven't sold yet" was 1 part actual surprise, 1 part salesman talk.

I see items all the time priced above what they should be. I simply just say "Not for me" and move on without a word, unless someone was selling a fake, counterfeit, or being misleading (aka a scam). But in this case, in my opinion, the guy claiming I'm gouging has no leg to stand on and that's the reason it annoyed me a little bit.