5 fish caught, 35, 22, 18, and two 10's. But the trip was not about catching fish, but learning how to catch fish. We did a lot of scouting and JR would explain why a certain place would or would not produce fish. He showed us how to read our electronics, how to properly anchor (or spotlock), to present bait to the fish. Covered planer boards, drift fishing, suspend fishing, etc. The best part, was he taught us how to lock through the dam. Now I can catch skipjack below G Dam, then lock up to fish Lake Guntersville. I did hook a monster that took me underneath a sunken tree. JR actually tried to use his anchor to try and lift the tree off the bottom. The 100lb leader eventually broke. I tell everybody I had the Lake Wheeler record because there is no proof I didn't! grin ps, If one of your kids likes to fish and has a birthday coming up, a trip with JR would be a perfect gift.