Originally Posted By: truedouble
Originally Posted By: 49er
BSK has had a change of heart in some of the matters he supported earlier.

He's stated that openly here. I respect that.

Are you sure he is now opposed to Tn.'s buck restrictions? I wouldn't want to speak for him or anyone else but it seems like you may have taken some of his statements out of context.

WIth the information that Tn. has gathered and with the increase in the percentage of mature bucks being taken I can't imagine why anyone with a dog in the fight would object to their system.

Are you sure I said anything about Tn's buck restrictions? Talk about taking something somebody said out of context!!! Sheesh!

I'm sure you can't imagine anybody not liking something you like. Once again, that's the point.

Most of the people I've put on ignore status have taken things I've said and tried to make it look like I said something I didn't say. You're doing that too, so now I'm going to ignore your posts as well. If you can't defend your position with anything better than that, I don't want to read it.

Do us both a favor. Click on my screen name to view my profile. You'll see the option "ignore this user". It would be nice if you would do that. Thanks.
