
The only interests I have in deer farming are 1) the potential impact deer farming can have on local deer herd health (as it is now obvious deer farming is spreading CWD to areas in which it did not previous exist); and 2) the poor image canned hunting and genetically manipulated deer have on the hunting of free-ranging wild deer.

In the first instance, I want to see deer farming outlawed because the threat of disease spread is so real and so disasterous. On the second point, I have no interest in regulating something because of image. If my concerns over deer farming were simply based on image, I would simply voice my opinion, but not push for regulation. It is the disease issue that forces my push for regulation.

Each hunter has to decide for themselves "how much management is too much management," and act accordingly. I have my limits and I don't cross those limits. I could care less what my neighbors' limits are.

You wrote: "There are always people in any walk of life who want to set limits for others." Unfortunately, that is true. And also unfortunately too many QDM enthusiasts want to see other hunters' harvest and hunting opportunities limited just so that their efforts towards growing big bucks can be more successful. I deeply oppose that movement/viewpoint. If you want to practice QDM, do so on your own hunting land. If you don't, don't.