Originally Posted by Beer Belly

I used a 31gal silver metal trash can from home depot. Did not paint it, cut a hole in the bottom side so a golf ball can easily go in and out. Used a can of great stuff to create a form a ramp on the back side. Tied it to a tree, and filled it with corn (holds ~160lbs - if I remember correctly), slung a bunch of corn around it. Took ~2 days for them to find it and start using it. Does & young bucks did seem to hit it first, then the older bucks didn't care.

My next one will be a 55 gal drum with an open top & lid. I am going to glue/caulk a big salad bowl upside down in the middle & cut 2-4 hole in the bottom sides.

I don't seem to have a coon, hog, or bear problems over 3 years (yet). So it works good for me. May not be a good option in other areas.

Out in KS years ago when I dabbled working for an outfitter the feeders were all 55 gallon drums with 2 six inch tall "U"s cut on opposite sides about an inch up from the bottom. Bend the U cutout to control how much they could stick their mouths in. Seemed to work just fine.