Originally Posted by Willyb
Originally Posted by Rebelman
Can you describe how the last year and a half have been as a physician? Has there ever been a time where you were most frustrated or overwhelmed? In your opinion, how do we end the pandemic?

The front end of this was unsettling. I didn’t know what exactly we were getting into. For two months I slept away from my wife and children, showered at work after my shift and did not hug or spend time closely with my family in fear of getting someone sick. Overtime I’ve become much more comfortable with Covid and how it does and doesn’t spread. It’s been frustrating at times at work to see our nursing staff numbers dwindle for various reasons, to see our ER and our hospital become congested. This last wave has been especially tough given that every person whom I’ve seen with moderate to severe disease (other than one patient who had received the JJ vaccine) has been unvaccinated. Every single one of them, and I do mean all of them have stated they wished they received the vaccine.

Exactly what I hear from every doctor I know.