Originally Posted by pcoladoc
WillyB - just had an 8 yo -4wks s/p mild Covid infection present to the ER with gastroenteritis symptoms and persistent fever. ER doc luckily looked further and the girl is currently in the ICU with MIS-C. She looks to be improving with IVIG and dexamethasone. Have you guys seen MIS-C or MIS-A ? Also, I too just started Rx'ing Ivermectin on a limited basis and thus far I'm not convinced it changes anything as two of my limited pts have ended up in the hospital on Bi-pap despite early intervention.
BE careful recommending the vaccine on here or you will be labeled as an elitist, pinkie, commie. We are all just part of the problem and all a part of some grand conspiracy scheme to accomplish something - just not clear what the end game supposedly is for this scheme.

I don’t have an issue with people recommending the vaccine, however where I have an issue is that the healthcare system, government, and employers are pushing the vaccine so hard, however they neglect to push people to live a healthy lifestyle…which has far greater benefits than this vaccine does. So why is it that a vaccine that was developed far too quickly, with complete immunity in court, being pushed on people vs living healthy??? That’s my issue.