Originally Posted by fingers
#1 Why is it that Israel with an approximate 80% vaccination rate is still seeing an increase in Covid cases while Palestine with an approximate 11% vaccination rate is seeing a much lower increase in new Covid cases.

#2 Why are we freaking out over a virus with such a high survival rate. I'm wrapping my fight with round 2 as I type this. Hopefully my natural immunity will be awesome after this.

#3 I have read that the vaccines are causing the virus to mutate faster than if we just let our bodies do it's thing. I cannot remember where I read this,honestly.

1) I can’t speak to that

2) some people are less susceptible than others to the virus. Many people even if they don’t die will experience permanent scarring in their lungs or other organs including cognitive decline. I’ve seen a healthy 53 and 54 yo man die in this most recent wave who had both previously had Covid last year

3) I can’t speak to that. Inevitably either way viruses do mutate over time however

Wish it was hunting season.....year round