I spent 11 days in the hospital (RMC in Anniston, AL) in August with Covid pneumonia. The day I got there they had 51 patients, 47 unvaxed. The day I left they had 59 patients, 57 unvaxed. All I've got is my personal experience, but those numbers tell a story that frankly makes the anti-vaxers look dumb. If you're running around out there with some bombastic "anti vax" opinions, acting like it's a political thing, America is "Communists forcing us to take a vaccine", you're being ignorant (you simply don't know what you don't know). I don't mean that as an insult....I was not vaccinated....I wasn't "anti", but I was just unconcerned with it. I didn't really understand what the vaccine was, or what it was scientifically designed to do. Now I do. I cannot go get it for several weeks, but I learned a tremendous amount during my hospital stay, and am 101% going to get it ASAP. Quit being obstinate, quit getting your vaccine opinions from Facebook and other lousy sources. The vaccines are proving to be incredibly effective, these numbers are not a lie.

I'm as Libertarian as they come, I wouldn't demand that anyone do something against their will. But I'm asking everyone I know to change their will!!!! If you know what's good for you, you'll got get vaccinated! This crap will KILL you. Quit acting like you have some enlightened medical understanding, like your Ivermectin and Vitamin D is going to save your life. That's one helluva gamble.

We were on the edge of Eternia, when the power of Greyskull began to take hold.