Originally Posted by deerhunt1988
I'd much rather have a 10-day ban on decoys than further reduce days of opportunity or bag limits which is slipping away from us at a rapid rate all across the southeast. The dominant gobbler theory/hens not being bred before gobbler being killed isn't proven, yet they aren't hesitating to take away hunting days or bag limits. I'm personally very glad they are looking at other options and hope it sets a precedent!

That was the reasoning of the CAB members who came up with the 10 day decoy ban idea. And no, it isn't at all proven that it will make one bit of difference in the turkey population. It was done entirely in response to the dominant gobbler theory and the doomsday presentation that Chamberlain made to the CAB at the last meeting of 2020. Chuck concluded that meeting by leaving everyone with the impression that the dcnr would propose an April 1 start to the 2022 season with a 3 bird limit. And at some point he put in the idea of letting no hunter kill more than one in the first 10 days of April. All of this was in response to Chamberlain's theory.

Some of the CAB members did not want to see our turkey hunting destroyed over an unproven theory, so they proposed the compromise that we got and managed to get enough votes to pass it. I don't know who thought up the decoy ban, but it was a counter to Chamberlain's theory - if the gobbler with all the hens is really being killed too early, he is likely being killed by the use of decoys. There aren't many who can call a gobbler away from 10 hens, but we have all heard the stories of them charging a full strut decoy or a fan. It isn't scientific, but neither is the dominant gobbler theory. Anyway, that's how we got it.

You can be certain that Chuck and Chamberlain will not be satisfied with it and want a lot more cut off the season and the limit. If the harvest goes up, that will be proof that the changes didn't work and we need to cut more. If the harvest goes down, that will be proof that the crisis is worsening and we need to cut more. Nothing is gonna stop the Agenda.

So the 10 day ban is a temporary thing and when the CAB members who pushed it rotate off the board, Chuck will replace them with his lackeys and then get the changes he really wants. Turkey hunting is doomed, so our turkeys are doomed.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.