I've tried the decoys and am not a huge fan. IMO it's one more piece of chit to have to lug around and can have negative results. Not taking them is one less thing for me to have to be concerned with.

I definitely agree that I'd rather see something stupid like "ban decoys for 10 days" than thinking a one-bird limit will result in beaucoup gobblers in a couple of years. At least the decoy option still is available for those who want to use them.

I still don't believe, and never have, that a decoy automatically makes it easier. The first year the Mojo robo duck decoys came out it was like having ducks on a rope to the blind. After a couple of seasons, nope. I think the same is true with the turkey decoys. Some will come, some will run away, some will look at the fake hen and stay 80 or so yards away expecting her to come to him.

Thing is, we don't know for sure. Until we see some provable evidence -- data -- that decoys are legitimately detrimental, restricting them is just a feel-good stopgap measure. But as you noted, and I agree, better to fart around with the anecdotal stuff to make someone feel good than do something stupid like carve off half the season or bag limit.

(Although those things will happen in the next few years. This national movement won't be placated by small nips and tucks. At some point they'll start trimming more bag limits, seasons, and I'd even guess some state will say they need to have a turkey lottery for tags or close the season entirely.)

"Hunting Politics are stupid!" - Farm Hunter

"Bible says you shouldn't put sugar in your cornbread." Dustin, 2013

"Best I can figure 97.365% of the general public is a paint chip eating, mouth breathing, certified dumbass." BCLC, 2020